I am a long time seller on Etsy and before that EBay. Due to issues and high fees on EBay, I rarely sell there anymore. Although there is no reasonable explanation for the policy, Etsy no longer allows the sale of Persian rugs by American sellers as of April 2018. Since I sell mainly Persian carpets, I was forced to close my Etsy shop.
By designing my own site, I have more control over the layout, design, and photography. Commercial sites such as EBay, Etsy and Chairish limit design and photograph options, and also charge sizable fees.
By selling through my own site, I can usually offer buyers better pricing. Prices are in U.S. dollars.
My site integrates with WooCommerce, one of the most established and highly regarded of the Ecommerce systems. Paypal is the primary payment gateway, and it allows totally safe payments, including the use of all major credit cards. Checks and money orders are accepted and I actually prefer them as it keeps some of the fees down– although they are slower to process. Let me know if you want to pay by check/money order, and I can provide the mailing address. I also accept Venmo as a mobile payment option.
This site uses an SSL certificate to ensure all personal information is safe. This is essential for encrypting and protecting private data such as credit cards and passwords. (You can see the little green lock icon in the top left corner of your browser–right before the URL address.)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. There is a contact form at the bottom of the page or you can email me at: devildingokilim@gmail.com or devildingocafe@gmail.com
The site presents an eclectic mix of art, rugs and antiques from around the world. The objects are located in Northern California (soon moving to the Southwest) and, with prearrangement, can be picked up.
For non-local buyers within the U.S., shipping is provided. International shipping is possible, especially with smaller items, but needs to be arranged first.
Most everything offered has been collected by me over several decades; occasionally, I may offer an exceptional piece on consignment. Initially, I am primarily offering handwoven rugs and textiles, but I’ll expand that to a number of other categories over the next few months. Nations, regions, and tribes will provide many of the categories, and I will try to provide as much description, background, and provenance as I can.
The range of objects includes handmade and traditional crafts, such as carpets, kilims, Native American jewelry, statues, masks, and paintings. Many of the pieces are of ethnographic significance, particularly the textiles, dance masks, African art, and native jewelry. Since I am just starting to list gallery items here several categories are temporarily empty.
Additionally, I will list antique and vintage busts, statues, prints, and Soviet political art that are not handcrafted. ‘Eclectic’ and ‘global’ should be categories broad enough to capture most all of the collection.
The site is named to honor Mister Dingo and his sister, Panga; for many years my best friends, and on some occasions, my only friends!
Also, I want to credit my mom for spurring my interest in art. When I was 11, she started her own gallery in San Mateo, California, where I helped out. (Or more likely hindered.) Her gallery, coincidentally, was named the Jolie Gallery, after the family’s standard French poodle, the cunning Monsieur Jolie. So naming galleries after canines is a family tradition.
Later, after she began working at a gallery in San Francisco, she secured me a high school summer job stretching and framing canvases at Fisherman’s Wharf. When she returned to Sydney, Australia, where she was born, she started a gallery in Double Bay. Her hope was that the Australian art buying public was more sophisticated than the American; this proved not to be the case.
After closing her gallery in Sydney, she returned in the 1980s to work at prestigious art galleries on Geary Street in San Francisco. Later on, in the 1990s, she worked in galleries in Bisbee, Arizona. Somehow, through osmosis, her interest in the arts seems to have rubbed off on me.
If you have questions, please contact me by email (best option) or by using the contact form on the front page or on the Contact page. Thank you.