If you have questions or would like to arrange purchase of a carpet, mask, painting, sculpture or other objet d’art, you can fill in the contact form at bottom of the page. (For the the first part of 2024, I am just listing handwoven rugs.)
Better yet, just email me directly.
You can also text me directly at 510 239-8728 (Please text rather than call as it’s much easier to check.)
You can skip using the website cart by contacting me directly. I can take PayPal and Venmo and possibly Zelle. Also, I may be able to offer you a better shipping rate depending on your location.
You can also email me with gmail if you prefer: cattledogsrule44@gmail.com
I used to be a vendor on Etsy for many years but there were issues with listing some carpets plus a proliferation of mass-produced items on Etsy. I have also sold on Ebay but the fees have increased for sellers — and the rules and control by corporate HQ is more restrictive every year.
I decided therefore to use my own website primarily. (Some of my Etsy buyers have continued to follow my rug listings here on my website and on Craigslist.)
Dingo Gallery uses WooCommerce, which allows payment through Paypal using a credit or debit card. You can also use your Paypal account directly if you are already set up with them.
The payment system uses secure professional encryption so all data is safe.
Payment by U.S. postal money order, Venmo, or cash (at pickup) are all options as well.
If you want to pay by check or money order (U.S. Postal, preferred), please contact me for mailing instructions.
Thank you!