Terms and Conditions

Dingo Gallery does its best to accurately describe all its antique and vintage items. Most items are handmade and one of a kind; many fall under the category of art or ethnographic craft. Some objects, such as as prints, serigraphs, busts, plaques and banners, are mechanically produced but in small numbers.

I am committed to open, fair-minded, and respectful interactions with all my visitors and customers. If you are not clear on something or feel there is a problem, please let me know. Misunderstandings and issues can usually be resolved through friendly communication.

1. The site uses an SSL certificate, which guarantees encryption of all your important personal data such as credit card information. (You can see the little green lock icon in the top left corner of your browser–right before the URL address.) An extra cost for the Gallery but it insures your safety on transactions.

2. The site only stores your personal information in order to successfully ship your items to you. The information is not given or sold to anyone, nor is it used for any other purpose.

3. Credit card information is NOT stored on the site.

4. You can return an item within a week of delivery if you change your mind for any reason. Dingo Gallery offers a full refund on the cost of the item. There is no restocking fee or other penalties. However, the buyer is responsible for the shipping costs. If the item is picked up locally, there is no cost.

5. Free local pickup means you can pick it up at a mutually convenient time. As there is no physical address for the Dingo Gallery with regular posted hours, all pickups must be previously arranged. On some occasions direct delivery to you is possible–especially on larger items such as carpets. I realize not everyone has a car or feels comfortable moving heavy stuff (some of the large rugs weigh over a hundred pounds). Feel free to ask me about this option.

6. The site does not use any sort of ‘cookies’ to pry into your internet habits.


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