• alien-humanoid-hamadan-runner
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Runner – Persian Hamadan Rug with Green Deer and Humanoid Aliens – 10 ft. 1 in. by 3 ft. 6 in.


Single medallion motif with birds, goats, green deer, and strange humanoid figures.

In stock


Surreal geometric tribal runner from Hamadan Province or Kurdistan Iran — also informally known as Iranian Kurdistan.

Single medallion motif with birds, goats, green deer, and strange humanoid figures. Little green aliens? These odd human figures appear occasionally on rugs from the 19th century and are not really aliens but they have peculiar elongated fingers and hands.

Plush wool pile with many lush colors including rose, blue, salmon, white, olive and sage greens. Green is a less common color in Persian rugs as blues and reds tend to predominate.

Somewhat of a supple weave and probably would need a pad to stay in place well on a slippery floor. This one might be best placed in a bedroom or area in the home with low foot traffic.

No signs of wear but there is some dye bleed visible ONLY on the backside of the rug. Rug was perhaps washed in a river and left to dry on rocks as is done in many villages. Again, it’s only visible on the backside of the rug.

Mind boggling art for your floor!

The Hamadan Province consists of hundreds of villages that produce geometric and tribal style carpets.

Last photo with Morgan silver dollar shows the backside of the rug.

Exact size is 10 ft. 1 in. by 3 ft. 6 in.

Wool woven onto cotton warp. 1970s

Shipping will be $34 within continental U.S. Or possible pickup in Northern California.

Please email me with questions. Thank you.


(H0101     D21)